“The power of self-confidence is directly proportional to the result & vice versa!”

-Erika P. Hamlet

If we want to know the story written in the book, we need to read the book. And the same is true for me. To get to know me better, please read more about me than just the one sentence.

The picture was taken in 2015.

The picture was taken in 2015.

Ms. Erika P. Hamlet is a former diplomat for the USA and Canada. She lives in Washington, DC, and holds citizenship in both the US and the Czech Republic. Her name is not a pseudonym; it is her real name.

I had the opportunity to travel quite a lot so that I could see many beautiful places in the world: Alaska, Hawaii, Niagara Falls (70% from the  US states), Hungary, Italy, Germany, France, Austria, Africa (3 times) China, Bulgary, Turkey, Brussel, Spain, etc., etc.


https://www.facebook.com/hamleterika/   (business page)

All my writing (all my literary work) is protected by the Copyright © office in Washington, D.C. USA.

For 3 decades (30 years) I was married to a military jet pilot, so I belonged to a “jet - pilots” family where you had to follow the orders...

For 3 decades (30 years) I was married to a military jet pilot, so I belonged to a “jet - pilots” family where you had to follow the orders...

Erika P. Hamlet - Author

The text here is written in both English and Czech.

Greetings to everyone from Washington, D.C.

The 1. volume of the novel, fiction "The Power Of The Wellnsburgs' Swords," Katarine And Her Intrigues,” was published by Albatros. media in Europe.

Publisher House, "Albatros. media," didn’t respect the contract agreement and did a lot of major mistakes! 


I worked as a civilian for the military for a decade, where I held various positions such as economist, logistics manager, and personal manager. It was important for professionals in the military to rotate jobs, enabling them to gain knowledge of different roles and be able to fill in for someone who was absent. After that, I was a member of the Diplomacy Corps in Washington, D.C. From 2007 to 2010, representing the Czech Republic in the USA and Canada. In addition to my main job, I ran my own fashion design business for twelve years.

Life can be unpredictable, but I am adaptable enough to navigate around obstacles when they arise. I am a mother to two grown children, a daughter and a son. My objective is to treat others with kindness and respect, in the hope that they will reciprocate in the same way.

Ms. Hamlet is originally from Europe, specifically the Czech Republic, and now lives in Washington, DC, in the United States. She was born in Czechoslovakia, which later became the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. She is fluent in three different languages.

(added by @anna)

Albatros. Media, the publishing house misclassified the literary work. It is unclear why they concealed any information about the author. Also, the publisher included an annotation for the book without consulting the author. This is evidence that the author wanted an utterly different annotation. The existing annotation was inappropriate for a book written for young people. The author wanted to use more subtle expressions in the annotation, such as "sweetheart" instead of "lover," which is more suitable for the young generation. It is important to use appropriate language that is suitable for the target audience.

Let's use a brief term what the publisher Albatros. Media did with the book. There was an unprofessional attitude and irresponsibility, as no proper action was taken before the book was released.

This publisher made many mistakes. Negotiations with him were very painful. Albatros. Media - the publisher, issued the contract in Prague, and the book was printed in Brno, where this publisher has its division. Apparently, they did not communicate with each other because Prague issued a contract with a different title, and we all conceived it as an agreement between the publisher - Prague, and its separate division in Brno, but later, the book was published (printed) under a different title than the one written in the contract.

There is speculation surrounding this publishing house as readers question the absence of the author's biography from the book. The author is a multilingual individual with two adult children. She studied at NOVA (Northern Virginia College) in the USA and attended two European schools. Her passion for poetry, prose, and recitation began in childhood, and she has won many literary competitions. She finds historical movies and places to be her nurturing grounds for well-being and relaxation.

"The Power Of The Wellnsburgs' Swords" is a literary work intended for young readers from 14 and up, but it is suitable for readers of all ages. It is essential to note the book's target audience and ranking so adult readers can make an informed decision about reading it. Unfortunately, the publisher 'Albatros Media' made a grave error by not specifying the rank where the series belongs.

(@anna) xxxxx

Pracovala jsem jako ekonom, logista, personalista- později jako diplomat. Vedla jsem své vlastní podnikání v oboru"Módní návrhář", vedle své hlavní práce po dobu dvanácti let. Veškerou činnost jsem ukončila kvůli tomu, že jsem přijala nabídku stát se členem diplomatického sboru, zde ve Washingtonu, D.C. Presentovala jsem Českou republiku v USA a Kanadě.

Život je nepředvídatelný, já jsem ale flexibilní a snažím se najít objížďky, pokud jsou na mých cestách nějaké překážky. Jsem mámou dvou dospělých dětí, dcery a syna, vždycky jednám s lidmi na úrovni a hezky, protože jsem vždy chtěla, aby se mnou jednali stejnou cestou.


Albatros.media zařadil špatně tento druh literárního díla - dále nevíme proč a z jakých důvodů zatajil jakékoliv údaje o spisovatelce, což nemohl nikdo pochopit (viz sekce video/evidence). Rovněž, uvedl anotaci knihy, jejíž obsah vůbec nekonzultoval z autorkou, které to doslova vyrazilo dech, když si to četla. Kniha je určená pro mládež a z toho důvodu chtěla autorka uvést do anotace jemnější výrazy a ne kupříkladu ten, kde se píše: „uprchla se svým milencem,“ ale uprchla se svou láskou, protože jak víme lásky mohou být i dětské, ve školním věku, v dospívání a pod., nicméně v dětském žánru přeci nebudeme popisovat a mluvit o milenci, že? Použijme tedy stručný výraz pro to co vydavatel Albatros.media udělal s knihou a s jejím špatným zařazením - nezveřejněním údajů o autorovi, který byl diplomatem pro USA a Kanadu v letech 2007 – 2010.

Vydavatel svou práci, kterou měl odvést naprosto nezvládl!" Albatros.media udělal mnoho chyb. Jednání s ním bylo velice bolestivé. Smlouva byla vystavená v Praze a kniha byla tištěná v Brně, kde má Albatros. media svou divizi. Očividně jeden s druhým nekomunikoval, protože Praha vystavila smlouvu s jiným názvem a my všichni jsme to pojali tak, že to byla dohoda mezi vydavatelem - Prahou a jejím odloučeným pracovištěm. Kniha poté vyšla pod jiným titulem než figuruje ve smlouvě.

Kolem vydavatele jsou dohady a čtenář se ptá, proč o autorovi není v knize vůbec zmínka! Autorka je původem Češka, má dvě dospělé děti, mluví několika cizími jazyky. Mimo Europských škol, studovala i na vysoké škole NOVA (Northern Virginia College) ve státě Virginia, USA a již od svých dětských let milovala poezii, prózu a její přednes. Vyhrála mnoho literárních soutěží. Historické filmy a rovněž historické místa byla a jsou její živnou půdou pro dobrou pohodu a relaxaci.

Autorka, jak jsem se dříve zmínila, žije v USA, má Americké a České občanství - dual citizenship. Její románová série – Beletrie (fikce, fantasy) „Síla v kordech rodu Wellnsburgů,“ je určena mládeži od 14-ti let a poté samozřejmě i pro vyšší věkovou kategorii, pokud si jí budou chtít přečíst! Každý je vítán, důležité je vědět, kam bylo literární dílo zařazeno a zda po tom chce dospělý čitatel sáhnout. Přoč vydavatel, Albatros.media neuvedl v knize zařazení, aby se případný zájemce hned v úvodních stránkách mohl zorientovat, pro jaký okruh čtenářů byla knihy napsaná??

I have been a Certified Medical Technician and CNA since 2012. My work involves caring not only for children but also for the elderly, who are particularly vulnerable during this pandemic due to underlying health conditions such as Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's, M.S. (Multiple Sclerosis), Hypertension, and Depression. I am always grateful for the positive things in my life, and even when my heart is heavy, I try to encourage those who need it most. During the Covid-19 pandemic, I worked at Five Star Premiere Residence in Chevy Chase. Later, I worked in Ingleside, D.C., and in N Park Avenue, Chevy Chase. I have not mentioned working privately for my clients. In addition to my current education, I have completed other education: Economics & Management, Information Technology, and Fashion Design.

Certified Medical Technician - Since 2012, I’m working not only for kids but also for those who we consider especially this time, in this Pandemic situation as the most vulnerable people - the elderly ones with underline health conditions; Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson's, MS (Multiple Sclerosis), Hypertension, Depression. I have always been humble and thankful for everything positive in my life! Sometimes even though my heart is crying I have to put a smile on my face due to these people need encouragement and I’m here to give it to them to help them! But, I can proudly say humor is an essential thing in my life, without it, my life would look like a sunrise without the sun. During the Covid-19 pandemic, I worked at Five Star Premiere Residence, Chevy Chase, DC.

The year 2021?

I'm not the right person to judge others, I can only express my feelings like somebody else, but I can feel strongly in this year 2021 we'll still go through a political, spiritual, and mental crisis due to everything flipped upside down.

People lost their jobs and some jobs will never be recovered in the future. People are furious, mad, and some of them at the edge of a mental struggle and therefore the hate and sometimes the cruel words are only the weapons they can use to humiliate others; to hurt them, to mock them due to they think this can relieve their frustrations.

Please, be human; if you don't have nice words, then say nothing!

Latest comments

I have read your books and I want to express my admiration for what you have done after the publisher literally ruined your life by not fixing the mistakes. I love your books, so don’t give up!

19.04 | 16:57

Good Day Erika P. Hamlet, I would Like To Receive An Autographed CopOf Your First Book Translated To English Darling. I will pay You For It. Thank You Ronnie Schance From Facebook (your friend). Thank

15.04 | 20:18

I am so excited about these books being published in English. The storyline is fascinating. I feel as if I am in the vicinity of each character, watching and listening...

16.12 | 20:09

Can not wait for the English translation to print. Will have your entire collection for pure enjoyment. In the meantime; I'm collecting the orginal books.

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15.09 | 11:54

Author Ms. Erika P. Hamlet won the lawsuit against Albatros Media, the publisher's house. The final verdict was in Prague, Europe, on March 25, 2024.

The picture was taken on April 11, 2024.